How Infographics Boost Math

  • 65% of learners are visual learners.
  • Looking at and reflecting on data is something all students struggle with.
  • Infographics make data easier to understand.
At the beginning of next year I want students take their knowledge and apply it more often.  We normally have a day lesson on classifying rational numbers.  Next year after I give students the lesson they normally have a card sort they do in groups, it is a fun activity and gets them to work together early in the year.

After they are done with the card sort their homework will be to create an infographic.  I will have students download Canva. Canva is a graphic design app that allows students (and teachers) to create presentations, handouts, and other graphics such as infographics.  (I use Canva to create my presentations and handouts for conferences)

Student's will create an infographic on how to classify rational numbers and will be hung up around the room.

Here is an example I made earlier today:

This is a simple mock-up and the rubric for the assessment is yet to come, but having students demonstrate their knowledge in a graphical way will get students on the right path of thinking when it comes to math next year.

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